Back-Safe Lower Body Exercise!

๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿ“ Hey guys, Dr. Ryan Alter here, your ๐Ÿ“ Delray Beach chiropractor. I wanna ๐Ÿ“ teach you an exercise today. It’s an exercise for the lower body that is perfectly safe for the ๐Ÿ“ lower back. A lot of people with lower back conditions working, the lower body can get kind of risky and this is a perfectly safe exercise you can do, and not bother the lower back at all.

โ€Šhere’s how it goes. You’re gonna take an exercise ball and put that ๐Ÿ“ against a wall behind you. I want you to get this ball low, We’re not gonna keep it here because if we do, it bends us forward and we don’t want that. โ€Šthe ball’s gonna go really low right around the waistband, And we’re ๐Ÿ“ gonna squat down here.

โ€ŠA lot of times you have to keep adjusting the ball. You have to adjust your ๐Ÿ“ feet, and once your feet forward a little bit. โ€Šthere, now I can come down to 90 90 and my back ๐Ÿ“ is perfectly straight here, not bent forward. Again, we want to be perfectly straight, and if you need to make some adjustments throughout the process, ๐Ÿ“ you get it adjusted.

โ€ŠPerfect. And here’s an added thing. I want you to take your feet and I want you to push ’em into the floor and try to drive the ball backwards like ๐Ÿ“ you’re crushing the ball and you can see immediately. โ€ŠIt activates and contracts the quads. we’ve got glutes, we’ve got quads in what we call an isometric contraction.

I โ€Šwant you to get low 90. 90, okay? It’s a tough exercise, but you’re just gonna hang here and push. You’re gonna play a game with yourself. How long can I hold this contraction? It’s safe. You can go all the way until you feel like you can’t, and then go even farther. we stay here. We stay here, continue to push and drive that ball backwards.

โ€Š ๐Ÿ“ It’s a great exercise. โ€ŠIt’s totally safe for the back. It works the lower body hard. Remember when you train, you wanna work hard, but we always want ๐Ÿ“ to work smart.

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