Chiropractic Activator Technique

πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“ Hey guys. πŸ“ This is called an activator.

β€ŠIt’s a chiropractic adjusting tool. πŸ“ Many of you have probably seen this, maybe even been adjusted by that. Some of your parents or grandparents get adjusted with this tool. It is a πŸ“ non-manipulative type of tool, so there’s no πŸ“ twisting and cracking and popping. πŸ“ the people who have some sort of concerns with that, people who have advanced osteoporosis, I’ve got patients who are 95 years old.

πŸ“ This tool is great for adjusting them. πŸ“ It’s safe, it’s comfortable, and here’s how it works. You pull this. a little force or a plunge happens there and what’s actually happening. πŸ“ This is just like a hammer. It’s just punching the vertebrae forward. πŸ“ when we have a misalignment that a lot of times I’m gonna come in with my hand here πŸ“ and make these adjustments, but with this tool, what happens is I just come in with this activator or hammer.

and I’m working that vertebrae forward with a quick little thrust

β€Šwithout putting you in a compromised position πŸ“ without what we call high velocity, safe, effective, great for elderly people, great for people who have concerns about manipulation. it’s a tool in our office that we have to help a πŸ“ variety of patients feel comfortable and get great results.

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