📍 📍 📍 📍 The problem that I had was a sharp neck pain in between my traps. And I have, I’m like a lifelong just 📍 amateur athlete. Never really played anything professional, but I’ve always been skimboarding, playing football, doing mountain biking and things like that.
📍 So over time when weightlifting, over time, I just developed such a severe pain. I tried taking it out with one of those theraguns and tried stretching and, 📍 it just didn’t do enough. So it brought me in here to Dr. Alter. 📍 And I had been suffering with that pain for about five to seven months before I actually came in here.
And honestly, since coming and getting the treatment being on a decompression table, I didn’t even realize 📍 that’s what I needed. 📍 I am absolutely pain-free today and, forever thankful because of it. Not prior to coming and seeing you for the specific issue, I didn’t have treatment, but I had gone to a chiropractor in 📍 about 2013 for similar like trap issue at that time. Mainly a derivative 📍 of weightlifting. So you know, like I said, like a lifelong activity just led up to that pain. I think that happens for a lot of people and you really do need to seek a little bit of professional health at that point. 📍 Can’t just assume a home remedy is gonna fix it. I’d say there’s a lot of skeptics when it comes to chiropractic and you just gotta give it a shot because I feel like chiropractic is such a natural approach to a body versus if you don’t want to take medication, you’re not into shots of what is it called?
The shot that gets in a cortisone shot. I’m just one of those people that wants to be more 📍 natural and I feel like if you take care of your body, you eat right and the last thing you wanna do is just go to a doctor and be like, give me something that’s gonna make this fix ’cause you need to actually take. 📍 Take care of your body and I feel like chiropractors works with your body and that it 📍 really helps eliminate the pain over time.
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