📍 📍 📍 I had severe neck pain. I cradled a telephone for 📍 25 years and so that is what brought me in here initially. 📍 I got migraines from it ’cause it traveled up my neck, the back of my head to my forehead, and I would end up with migraines. I had been to another chiropractor and he treated, 📍 but he didn’t really fix it. 📍 It’s been a hundred percent difference. 📍 it took a while, but it worked. And so I can say now I’m a hundred percent, whereas before I was at probably a 📍 level 10 plus with my pain. I think you should, because he is a non-aggressive physician and he gets your 📍 history before he even treats you. 📍 And then he has the patience and the encouragement. And the judgment that you have to believe in, because there are times when you’re going, oh no this is taking too long. But it does it takes a while.
So you need patience, perseverance, and consistency, 📍 and I would definitely recommend him.
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