Chiropractic Testimonials – Tim

📍 📍 📍 My story is that I had a back injury, a spinal injury actually. 📍 And so I came in to see if I could get some relief in that spinal injury. 📍 I was a quadriplegic two years ago, and then I got both my arms and legs back after a few months had 📍 to learn how to walk again, and then actually had came in to see if I could get some more mobility in mostly my right arm. 📍 My arm and my hand. we do a just at the top 📍 I have screws now in the spinal column, so he wasn’t wanting to put me on compression. So we go through a not quite sure what it is, but 📍 pressure on the On the vertebrae at the top of the neck, see if we can release some of that pressure that’s there.

I know that my wife has a a lot more going for her in terms of doing compression and so on. So for those that wanna come in, I say 📍 it’s a great experience. highly recommend it.

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