Doctor Ryan Alter
your Delray Beach Chiropractor. I want to show you another interesting x ray here. People always love looking at x rays because you don’t get a chance to do it. So we’re looking at an x ray here of a patient spine with their hips and pelvis. You see anything on this x ray that looks kind of funny or out of the ordinary.
What’s going on
on this x ray that’s not normal? It’s right there. The patient left their phone in their pocket. I said
empty your pockets
take everything out of your pockets
belt off
and he left his phone in his pocket. Very unique. Of course
it’s not in the way of our spine
so we’re okay with that.
But interesting
kind of humorous to see what a phone looks like in someone’s pocket on an x ray machine. We’re here in Delray Beach
and we’re here to make sure that you are always feeling your best.
Get started on your path to optimal health today.