Preserving Your Health


Doctor Ryan Alter

your Delray Beach chiropractor. Today I wanted to talk about

the sayings that we have on our glass boards in our office. Every couple of weeks

we kind of have this art girl come in

and change the sayings on our boards to help patients with a little bit of a lesson of some kind. And the one that’s on the board this week is the preservation of health is easier

than the cure of disease. And what does that mean? What is it actually saying? What lesson can you take from that? Well

what it’s saying is that taking care of yourself

taking care of

your body

your teeth

your skin

your spine

taking care of

your body

and taking care of

your health is easier than not taking care of it.

And then trying to do everything you have to

to get it back to health.

Everyone’s been through that. It’s a nightmare. It’s an uphill battle. It doesn’t work. Okay

so many people are sick

and at that point

the body’s not working right

and to get it back up into a healthy state is

is really something

but it’s a lot easier to just do all the things

you need to eat healthy

get rest

get your chiropractic adjustments

take care of your skin

and your eyes

and your teeth

do all the things you need to

to take care of yourself

just like your car.

You take care of the car

and you keep it good. You don’t let it grind into the toilet

and then bring it to the repair shop

and see if you can make it brand new again. It doesn’t work like that. So the lesson for today

we do all of the things we need to

to care for this one body that you got. to keep it as good as possible

because it’s much easier to keep it good than to try to make a mess

and clean it up from there.


we’re here in Delray Beach. We’re here to help you

and everyone you know feel your best.

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