X-Ray of Damaged Neck Disc

📍 📍 Hey

Doctor Ryan Alter

your Delray Beach chiropractor. I have another X ray here. I want to show you. I think people think this is very interesting to look at X rays and kind of learn about what’s going on. So here we have what’s called a lateral cervical X ray

or a side view of the neck. So it’s literally me sitting like this

and an X ray of the neck.

And what we’re looking at here

you can see we’ve got vertebrae. Okay. And then in between there we have discs. So I’m gonna zoom in kind of on a model here. Here’s a vertebrae. Here’s a disc. Here’s another vertebrae. And there’s where the nerve comes out. And so on this x ray

you’ve got a vertebrae

a disc

a vertebrae

and the nerve comes out between there.

But if we look down here at this circle I made

you can see the front here. If you look there

the front is nice

and open with the disc. Here

they’re starting to join together. And what we’re seeing there is a bunch of degenerative arthritis

some spurs

Big joint spurs coming off the front of there

and they’re actually trying to fuse together so that

that neck has degenerated so much that it’s actually fusing or sealing together.

This person soon will not be able to drive a car because they won’t be able to turn their neck. So degenerative joint disease

degenerative disc disease. Osteoarthritis. These are all synonyms for what’s going on

which is basically 20 or 30 years of wear

and tear in this spine. Well

what could have been done about that?


30 years ago

going to the chiropractor regularly could have made a big difference in this neck. I thought this would be interesting. I’m going to continue with this series and keep showing you some interesting x rays. Remember

we’re here in Delray Beach

and we’re here to make sure that you

and everyone you know is feeling your best.

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