📍 📍 Hey
Doctor Ryan Alter. I’ve got something today. I want to teach you to really understand what’s actually going on when you’re having whatever problem you’re having. Point I want to make today is that your symptom
Your back pain
or your leg pain
or your headache is different than the actual problem.
The symptom is not the problem. When someone has shooting pain down their leg
that is the symptom. The problem potentially is a vertebrae that shifted a disc that’s bulging or irritated or herniated that’s pressing on that nerve
causing the shooting pain down the leg. But the bulging or herniated disc or the vertebrae problem is not the same as the pain going down the leg.
You can eat pills or get a shot and potentially have the pain in the leg gone. But the problem is still there. Here’s another example that will really kind of solidify this thought. You break your arm
you’ve got shattering arm pain
and you go to the hospital
and they give you a shot of morphine
and all of your pain is gone.
The symptom is gone. Is the problem gone? You haven’t even started. The bone needs to be set
cast goes on the bone
weeks or months of healing
then maybe some rehab. So you can see, the symptom and the problem are not the same. Here in our office
we’re focused on addressing the underlining problem to help you get better long term and prevent future problems down the road.
We’re here in Delray Beach, and we are on a mission to help you and everyone you know feel your best. So if you know anyone
or yourself
or your family member has anything bugging them
you call us.
Get started on your path to optimal health today.